Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Day 2: Diagnostic Essay

Welcome to the diagnostic essay! :)

Today, we will do very little as a whole group, but you will do a great deal of work individually.  You are going to read an article (that will eventually be posted here on the course website once it is no longer confidential), and respond to a prompt by writing the best essay you possibly can.

Schedule of Events: 
1. Attendance

2. Take the diagnostic essay: 
  1. Please log in
  2. Open Microsoft Word
  3. Save the file, naming it: "Diagnostic_YourNetID_YourPreferredName"
  4. Read the article
  5. Respond to the prompt by writing an essay
  6. Work for the entire class time
The purpose of the diagnostic essay is so that I can get to know you and your writing better.  With this in mind, I can better plan our class to meet your needs, helping each of us become better writers! 

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