Sunday, September 14, 2014

Day 9: Comparison & Contrast Part 1

It's crucial that you read the article over the weekend.  Please show me that you read it by filling out this short form.
Short List
  1. Attendance Check and Warm-up
  2. Similarities and Differences
  3. Reading and Outlining Sample Paragraphs
  4. Outline Comparisons
  5. Debriefing
Actively read this article by Monday.

The Details
Schedule of events:

1. [5-7 minutes] Attendance Check and Reading Form

2. [10 minutes] Similarities and Differences
Today, we are going to begin discussing just what comparison and contrast paragraphs are all about.  So, we are going to, in small groups, practice comparing and contrasting.  

Picture 1
Picture 2

Take Notes for the following activity with these documents:
Left Side Girls
Right Side Girls

1) First, we will try to identify as many similarities between the two pictures above as we possibly can.

2) Then, we will try to identify as many differences between the two pictures above as we possibly can.

3. [10 minutes] Reading and Outlining Sample Paragraphs
Now, we are going to make a connection from comparing and contrasting the two pictures to something that is much more related to the reading from the weekend.

We are going to split into 2 groups and read two different examples.

Group 1: Example 1
Group 2: Example 2

As you are reading, 2 people in each group should write an outline that everyone in the group participates in creating for the paragraph you are creating.  (Think PIE-C, but in very close detail).

4. [10 minutes] Outline Comparisons
Now, after working in our small groups, we are going to mix groups, so that people in group 1 will share their outlines with people in group 2.  We will have 4 groups in which half of each group is from group 1 and half is from group 2.

5. [10 minutes] Debriefing and Homework Talk/Planning
What did we learn?  What are some points that we can use to apply to writing a comparison and contrast paragraph based on the article that was assigned on Friday?

Our first comparison and contrast paragraph is due on Friday.  Here is the specific assignment prompt that overviews the details of the assignment.

Optional: If you would like to help make ESL 111 get better and better, please consent to submitting your work to our program.  It is entirely anonymous, and no one will ever know that the work is yours, but it will be used to make examples and train our instructors and more--all for the betterment of our program and our ESL students.  

Link: Student Sample Collection Consent Form 

Attribution: This lesson was first created by Ryan Salvadore and has undergone very small adaptations to fit my own teaching style and how my class is run.

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