Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Day 13: Cause & Effect Part 2

Short List
  1. Attendance Check and Comprehension Check Warm-up
  2. Article Discussion 
  3. Cause and Effect Review
  4. Outlining and Drafting
  5. Returning Draft
Write a comparison and contrast paragraph around 300 words in length. Here is the specific assignment prompt that overviews the details of the assignment. The assignment is due on on Friday, 25 September.
  • Please do not forget to name the file: "111_cause_netID_0" (The highlighting indicates that this is something that will change based on your name. For example, my comparison and contrast paragraph would be called, "111_cause_jpbair2_0."). I don't anticipate any problems with this because everyone did it perfectly on the last paragraph.
Optional: Any Writer's Help exercise that I suggested on the draft of your paper that I returned to you.  (However, you must have completed 5 by 29 September)

The Details
Schedule of events:

1. [10 minutes] Attendance Check and Comprehension Check Warm-Up
On our "virtual chalkboard," take a couple of minutes and try to (from memory) write a short outline of the article you read.  It should have (if you can!) the main point and Three Points or Important Examples from the article that support the main point of the article.

If you can't list all of this, do your best! 
Don't forget to put your name on it!

Virtual Chalkboard

2. [10-13 minutes] Article Discussion
Spend some time reading your classmates' outlines.  Do you agree with their outlines or disagree?

Once you have read the outlines, follow these directions:
  1. Identify someone's outline that is very different from yours.  
  2. As soon as you find someone, call out their name and form pairs or trios.  
  3. Move to be by each other. (In every partner-group at least one person should move.  You will very likely not be working with the person you sit next to)
  4. Compare and contrast your outlines.  
    • What did you notice that was different?  
    • What was similar?  
    • What things did you both focus on from the article.  
3. [10 minutes] Reminder
You all know what is going to happen now.  Now, we are going to connect this article with what we talked about for cause and effect paragraphs.

We learn best by teaching it. That is what we are going to do then! :)

  1. In your partners, find out who is the oldest.  
  2. The older partner will take a couple of minutes to explain what he or she learned on Monday and knows about cause and effect paragraphs.  
  3. When he or she is done, the younger will do his or her best to "fill in the gaps" of things that the other partner may have missed
After you "teach each other" we will cover the main points as a group.  

4. [10 minutes] Outlining
Using this graphic organizer (which will also be handed out physically) begin thinking and brainstorming about one of these prompts:

The effect of your parent’s level of stress (or lack of stress) with your current ability to be unsuccessful or successful as a university student


The causes that lead to a child being unable to make friends and be successful in school. 
Your paragraph should:
  1. Answer the prompt (this should be your Topic Sentence or the "P" in PIE)
  2. Provide three instances that you will use as examples of causes or effects (these should be the "I's" in PIE)
  3. And provide good, clear connections between each instance that connects back to the cause and effect relationship that you show in the prompt.  
It is likely that your paragraph will follow an outline similar to this: 

Closing Sentence

Cause and Effect Vocabulary
Cause and Effect Verbs

5. Returning Draft
Finally, before leaving, I will have given you feedback on your drafts which I will now return and briefly go over the homework.

Write a comparison and contrast paragraph around 300 words in length. Here is the specific assignment prompt that overviews the details of the assignment. The assignment is due on Friday, 29 September.
  • Please do not forget to name the file: "111_cause_netID_0" (The highlighting indicates that this is something that will change based on your name. For example, my comparison and contrast paragraph would be called, "111_cause_jpbair2_0."). I don't anticipate any problems with this because everyone did it perfectly on the last paragraph.
Optional: Any Writer's Help exercise that I suggested on the draft of your paper that I returned to you.  (However, you must have completed 5 by 29 September)

Attribution: This lesson was inspired by Olexandra Kostenko's lesson in having comparison of outlines, discussion of the source article, and having a workshop based off of using the Star Chart she provides.  The lesson as it appears here and is taught has been significantly modified from her original.  

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