Friday, November 14, 2014

Day 36: Rhetorical Analysis Presentations

Short List
  1. Attendance Check
  2. Intro to Commercial Analysis
  3. Debrief
  4. Practice Analyzing Commercials
  5. Explanation of the Unit 4 Task and Homework
Unit 3 Rhetorical Analysis Essay final draft due Wednesday night at midnight on Compass 2G.

The Details
Schedule of events:

1. Attendance Check

2. [15 minutes] Intro to Commercial Analysis
I have talked briefly about our final projects, but today we will start getting ready for it.  This unit and project are a lot of fun, but still require a lot of deep, critical thinking and analysis that I know you are capable of.

So, to begin, you need to be in groups of 3 people, though there will be one group of four.  You may choose your group.

  1. Watch these six commercials.  
  2. Commercial 1
    pop icon
    Commercial 2
    Commercial 3
    first date
    Commercial 4
    Monopoly & Lebron
    Commercial 5
    Lebron and Dwight
    Commercial 6
    tree of life
  3. After you have discussed these two questions completely (don't rush through), post very detailed, descriptive answers that reflect your discussion here
    • How are these commercials different? 
    • Why do you think the same company produces such different commercials? 
3. [5 minutes] Debrief
At the end of the time (or if all of the groups finish early) we will debrief this activity and find out what we all discussed in common and what differences we have in our answers.

4. [10-15 minutes] Practice Analyzing Commercials
Using the thinking and analyzing skills you just put to practice in the first activity today, now try your best to do a rhetorical analysis of one of the following commercials.  Each group will do a different commercial.

Use this Visual Analysis Questionnaire to help guide your analyses.  

Commercial 1
Commercial 2
Commercial 3
Commercial 4
Head & Shoulders

5. [10 minutes] Explanation of the Unit 4 Task and Homework
Our final major assignment in ESL 111 is a presentation and not a paper.  You will be conducting a rhetorical analysis on a commercial and the presenting your commercial and analysis to your classmates.  Before working on the presentation, though, the first step is to choose a commercial you would like to analyze.

  • Ads must be in English or have no language used in the advertising
    • product name in another language is acceptable
  • Ads must be of "normal" length 
    • approximately between 30 seconds and 1 minute
  • Ads must be "linkable" 
    • meaning they are available to be seen online with a link to Youtube or a similar, publicly available site
  • Ads must be "unique" 
    • no two students may have the same ad--the student who submits his or her ad first will be the one permitted to analyze it
Submit your commercials here by Tuesday night at midnight.

Assignment Prompt and Grading Rubric for Final Presentation

Unit 3 Rhetorical Analysis Essay final draft due Wednesday night at midnight on Compass 2G.

Attribution: This lesson is part of a group project by students of the University of Illinois' EIL 511: Task-based Language Teaching class, Chelsea Coronel (the leader in drafting/adapting this lesson), Martha Gast, Muna Salim Saleh Aullad Thani, Hamzeh Abbadi, and Jon Bair.  This lesson is a modification of Jill Tschopp Huang's 2014 lesson.  

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