Thursday, October 23, 2014

Day 26: Understanding Rhetorical Situations

Short List
  1. Attendance Check and Warm-up
  2. Rhetorical Situations and the Rhetorical Triangle
  3. Presentations of What You've Learned
  4. You're a Rhetorical Analyzer Now!
  5. Last minute explanation of Essay Basics 
TONIGHT, the entire Unit 2, Essay Basics, essay will be due. Please do not forget the late policy and save your grade--turn it in by midnight on Compass2G.

The Details
Schedule of events:

1. [10 minutes] Attendance Check and Warm-up: 
In pairs (that I will describe in class) look at these work at these online stations together:

Pair 1 Pair 2 Pair 3 Pair 4 Pair 5 Pair 6
  1. List three different examples of your own writing,
  2. List all of the reasons why they are similar and all of the reasons why they are different,
  3. and
  4. Compare with your partner: did they not think of some reasons, were you inspired of some that you had not thought of until looking at theirs? Tell them.

2. [15 minutes] Rhetorical Situations and the Rhetorical Triangle
We understand the idea of different writing serving different purposes and, therefore, working in different ways.  It is obvious that a text to our boyfriend, girlfriend, or, for me, my wife, is very different in format, style, content, and vocabulary than an academic research paper in chemistry.  But what about the details?

Look at this triangle.  This triangle attempts to explain how text and the writers/speakers influence and affect one another.  You are writing to affect other people.  If it doesn't affect them, it is probably boring them (which is affecting them negatively).
Retrieved from:  

Pair 1 Pair 2 Pair 3 Pair 4 Pair 5 Pair 6
Context Purpose Audience Topic Writer
  1. Study this PPT from the Purdue OWL,
  2. Try to define and be able to present/teach this to the rest of the class,
  3. and
  4. Understand (and be able to explain) how it relates to the rest of the triangle.
  5. Please take notes on what you guys discover and plan on your pair's Lino It board linked above.

3. [10 minutes] Presentations of What You've Learned.  
Now, it's time for you to be the teachers.  Divvy up who will talk about which part, and then stand up and show us! :)

4. [10 minutes] You're a Rhetorical Analyzer Now! 
Now, you are about ready to actually begin doing rhetorical analysis.

You will need this document.

And, you have a choice:

Option 1

Option 2

Single-Sex Schooling is Good for Girls

Reality TV is Bad

Pro- Article

Pro- Article

Anti- Article

Anti- Article

5. [Remaining Time] Last minute explanation of Essay Basics

TONIGHT, the entire Unit 2, Essay Basics, essay will be due. Please do not forget the late policy and save your grade--turn it in by midnight on Compass2G.

Please read the two articles of one of the options by Wednesday and fill out the Rhetorical Analysis Chart that I have provided.

Attribution: Sections 3 and 4 have been based and adapted on Jin Kim's 2013 lesson, making use of her ideas and materials, but also adapting it to fit my own class schedule and teaching style.

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