Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Day 37: How to Analyze an Ad

Short List
  1. Attendance Check and Warm-Up
  2. Planning Your Own Commercial
  3. Debrief
  4. Analyzing the Real Commercial Compared to Your Own
  5. Individual Guided Practice Analyzing and Improving Your Ad
Unit 3 Rhetorical Analysis Essay final draft due TONIGHT at midnight on Compass 2G.

Naming conventions: Please name your paper 111_RA_Your NetID_FINAL

The Details
Schedule of events:

1. [5 minutes] Attendance Check and Warm-Up:
What do you remember from Monday?  What do you remember about audience and purpose?  What makes an ad "good" (successful/effective) or not?

2. [12 minutes] Planning Your Own Commercial:
In Unit 3, it was easy to analyze an article, because all of you have experience writing essays.  But probably none of us have experience planning a commercial.  So, we are going to plan a commercial for a company, and then we will see if our planned advertisement is similar to theirs or different (and if ours is even better than theirs!)

Description of the Rhetorical Situation:
You will create a commercial for Proactiv (a skin care company), and you will attempt to market their product, the Proactiv Solution System, a three-step skin care package intended to treat acne (mainly in teenagers or young adults, but would work for anyone who has acne).

How would you design this commercial?  Use the following questions to help make sure you consider everything in your plan (don't forget to explain your reasoning behind each decision):
  • Who would act or speak in your commercial? Why?
  • What type of setting or music would you use? Why?
  • Would you use a storyline?  If so, what type of storyline? Why or why not? 
  • Which appeals would you incorporate?  Why those and why not others?
    • How would you incorporate pathos into your commercial?
    • How would you incorporate ethos into your commercial?
    • How would you incorporate logos into your commercial?
You will write one document per group outlining your plan.  This plan/document can be written in whichever way best suites your group (MS Word, Google Docs, pen-and-paper, pictures, etc.)

**One rule: You may NOT look up and watch any Proactiv website, advertisement, or commercial. That's cheating! :) 

3. [7 minutes] Debrief
At the end of the time limit, we will compare our plans and see what different groups did and why they did it differently.

4. [10-15 minutes] Analyzing the Real Commercial Compared to Your Own
Now, it's time to see what the real company did in their real commercial.  Take a look at this video.

Compare and contrast what you did and what the makers of this commercial did:
  • How is your commercial different from this one in terms of:
    • Voice-over (pathos/emotion)
    • Storyline (pathos/emotion)
    • Facts and data used in the ad (ethos and logos)
    • Celebrities or experts (ethos) 
    • The company image (ethos and pathos)
  • Which was more effective, your planned commercial or the company's?  Why?
  • How successful was the real commercial in using appeals? Explain 
5. [10 minutes] Individual Guided Practice Analyzing and Improving Your Ad
Finally, it's time to put this into practice with the commercial you submitted to me for your final presentation.

At your own computer,
  1. Open the commercial on the Internet
  2. Use the Visual Analysis Questionnaire to begin analyzing the ad
  3. Find the top 2-3 reasons why the ad is successful or not
  4. Begin writing an outline following this template 
Unit 3 Rhetorical Analysis Essay final draft due TONIGHT at midnight on Compass 2G.
Complete your outline for your RA presentation by the Monday after Thanksgiving (1 December)

Attribution: This lesson is part of a group project by students of the University of Illinois' EIL 511: Task-based Language Teaching class, Muna Salim Saleh Aullad Thani (the leader in drafting/adapting this lesson), Martha Gast, Hamzeh Abbadi, Chelsea Coronel and Jon Bair. This lesson is a modification of Jill Tschopp Huang's 2014 lesson.

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