Sunday, November 30, 2014

Day 39: Visual Aid Content & Design

Short List
  1. Attendance Check and Warm-Up
  2. Comparing with a Partner
  3. Researching Gender-Based Marketing
  4. Teaching the Other Half
  5. Analyzing PowerPoint Presentations
By the last day of class, 10 December, you will need to complete the following:
  1. A final reflection that responds to any of these questions (or a mix). This should be thoughtful and well-developed. This is an opportunity for you to reflect and for me to get valuable feedback so that the class can improve and so that I can become a better teacher: 
    • If you were an ESL 111 instructor in the spring, how would you teach the class? What would you focus on, what would you do the same as me, and what would you do differently? 
    • If you were to take the one most useful thing you have learned in ESL 111 and explain it to a friend, what would you tell them? Why that thing? How would you explain it? 
    • What was the highlight of ESL 111? Why was this the best part? What was the low of ESL 111 (not counting anything like attendance issues)? Why was this the worst part? What advice would you give future ESL 111 students? 
  2. A final collection of Writer's Help exercises based on any feedback I gave/give you in your Unit 2 and Unit 3 essay. Use this template. You may not use the same exercise that you used before on here. 

The Details
Schedule of events:

1. [5 minutes] Attendance Check and Warm-Up:
How was your Thanksgiving?

2. [15 minutes] Analyzing PowerPoint Presentations
Back in just pairs, it's time to put this into practice with the commercial you submitted to me for your final presentation.

PowerPoint 1
Actual student sample;
Only content remains--
visual elements have been removed
PowerPoint 2
Open in PowerPoint
and not Google Drive
so that you can see all
the fun animation! ;)

Answer these questions with your partner about the two PowerPoint presentations:

How do bad visual effects influence you as a viewer?
How does bad content influence you as a viewer?
What is more important, content or visual effects?
How much text should a powerpoint have on each slide?
For each PowerPoint, note at least two changes that you would make to improve them.

When you have finished discussing, at my prompting, post here what you think a good visual aid should have and should avoid.  Basically, if you were assigning a PowerPoint, what would you tell your students to do or not do?  Then, we'll check to see if you're right!

3. [10 minutes] Presentation on Presentations
This is an old fashioned PPT presentation on how to make visual aids.  We'll compare what you said in section 2 with the guides given here.

As we go through this presentation, think about the rough draft of your visual aid.  Is there anything that you might need to change after this? 

4. [5 minutes] Explanation of the Self-Review and the Peer Review
On Tuesday, we will be doing mock-presentations and self- and peer-review.  To prepare, here are the documents we will be using to guide us:

5. [10 minutes] Presentation Sign-ups, Explanation of Homework, and Returning Unit 3 Assignment

By the last day of class, 10 December, you will need to complete the following:
  1. A final reflection that responds to any of these questions (or a mix). This should be thoughtful and well-developed. This is an opportunity for you to reflect and for me to get valuable feedback so that the class can improve and so that I can become a better teacher: 
    • If you were an ESL 111 instructor in the spring, how would you teach the class? What would you focus on, what would you do the same as me, and what would you do differently? 
    • If you were to take the one most useful thing you have learned in ESL 111 and explain it to a friend, what would you tell them? Why that thing? How would you explain it? 
    • What was the highlight of ESL 111? Why was this the best part? What was the low of ESL 111 (not counting anything like attendance issues)? Why was this the worst part? What advice would you give future ESL 111 students? 
  2. A final collection of Writer's Help exercises based on any feedback I gave/give you in your Unit 2 and Unit 3 essay. Use this template. You may not use the same exercise that you used before on here. 
Attribution: This lesson was originally designed by Yaqian Jiang (2014), and I have adapted it to fit the style and format of my class. 

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